Tuesday, May 17, 2011

healthy hearts

I have titled this blog healthy hearts because I am dedicating myself to a healthy lifestyle. I have realized that eating unhealthy and not excercising is causing me fatigue and depression. Not to mention an unhealthy and unhappy heart. So i went to the grocery today and bought all organic and healthy foods. I made dinner tonight; spinach salad, chicken, veggies, and drank water with lemon. Surprisingly, it was very tasty and filling;) I am beginning frequent running and roller blading as well. I can't wait to officially begin my healthy ways today:) Hopefully I can stick to it. Wish me luck:)


  1. Awww Candace, so happy to see that you're doing this blog! I'd thought about putting up a fitness blog. I'm really glad that you're choosing to commit to this lifestyle. A combination of an unhealthy diet and a lack of exercise has such alarming effects on our bodies! We could fill up this blog with all of those effects, but we'll save them for later. Look at all of that green you're eating! Congrats and best of luck! I'm in your corner if you ever need motivation to stay the course.

    Love You,
    Brother Nate

  2. Nice!! Thats all ill be eating after i have this little one.
